The best red cedar
Eastern Red Cedar
Red cedar come from the hills, holler, and stream beds from all over the Ozarks. This tree is hard to log, so it takes a lot of extra work and is not very safe. We truck the red cedar logs into the cedar sawmill to cut and export red cedar cants, veneer red cedar, and red cedar saw logs. The red cedar tree grows wild and can be logged at 6 or 8 inches from the small end. You can log off a track of red cedar timber every 12 to 15 years and do well from it. We have been cutting cedar lumber for many years and have sizes 1×4, 1×6, 2×4, 6×6, 7×7, 8×8 and more in stock. We can also custom cut to your size at no extra cost when you buy a 500 foot lot.
Call 417-955-0866 to order or Email Us